we boght pop it (day 24 and 25 of my summer holidays)

 Hi and welcome back to my blog series where I depict every day of my summer 

day 24

Day 24 was Sunday the 8th of May. the day was pretty busy. firstly I went to a Bazaar with my father and brother and bought a "pop it". we came back and went for a drive where my mom drove. then we went to visit my cousin's brother who was here for just a week. Then we ate some delicious lunch. Then we went to visit y house where construction work was going on. Furthermore, at night, my dad went to Chennai. ths was all from day 24 of my summer holidays.

day 25

day 25 was monday and basically the start of the week. I got up really late  and played some cricket with my brother and it was pretty fun. I then also watched some episodes of the " wizards of waverly palace". It's a pretty decent series. I also chatted with my friends. The rest of the day was boring so i don't want to depict it.

A picture of a pop it a really fun toy to play with.


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