Day 17 and 18 of my summer holidays

 Hi and welcome back to my blog series where I depict every day of my summer holidays.

Day 17

Day 17 firstly was Sunday the 1st of May. I had fast today so i got up ate something and went to sleep. I got up played some carrom with my cousins watched a movie in the tv. I also saw the afternoon game of the IPL where lucknow won delhi easily. I aslo started going for tution so it would be easy for me when i start 9 th grade. Our family also anticipated that tommorow would be eid ul fitr but it was not. So this was all from day 17 of my summer holidays.

Day 18

Day 18 was Monday. Firstly today was the last fast of Ramadan and tommorow was eid ul fitr. So iI was pretty excited. I got up played some carrom with my cousins. I also ate some delicious cake which my cousin sister made it was splendid. Also Kerala won in Santosh trophy against bengal. The match was an absolute thriller. This was all from day 18 of my summer holidays. Thanks for reading bye...


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