Day 15 and 16 of my summer holidays

 Hi and welcome back to my blog series where I depict every day of my summer holidays 

Day 15

Day 15 which was Friday, April  27 was really good. firstly tomorrow was J-Day which according to me is journey day. So I had to pack up all my stuff for tomorrow's journey. the morning was busy firstly had to go to my school to get y uniform. then we went to y brother's old school to collect his TC. Past that we had to go to my brother's new school to receive his new uniform. so yeah morning was hectic. In the evening went to play with my friends. n the night I also went to buy some accessories for tomorrow's journey. This was all from fay 15 of my summer holidays.

Day 16

Day 16 was a bit tiring. Our family got up at 4:30 and started the long road trip to Kerala. Hour 1 I pretty much slept when I woke up we stopped for breakfast. The breakfast was good. Then we didn't take a break until lunch which was at Madurai at around 12 o clock. The lunch was good. Then the journey restarted we then stopped for tea at around 4 o clock and then we crossed the Tamilnadu Kerala border at around 5:30. We reached my grandfather's house at 7 o clock. I also had an introductory class for tuition which was ok. This was all from day 16 of my summer holidays.

A picture of me in my journey 



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