My Japan adventure (Part-4)

 Hi, today I am going to talk about part-4 of my Japan adventure. In part 3 we saw about the Odawara castle and how I enjoyed it along with my family. In today's blog, we are going to talk about when I went to Lego land and Madame tusad and the adventures I had when I went there. Firstly where are Madame tusad and LEGO land? Both of them are in Tokyo a very busy city in Japan. I went to lego land and the queue there was huge for buying the tickets, before arriving at the lego land we had thought that there wouldn't be a huge queue but after arriving we saw the huge queue and we were in shock. We waited for a lot of time before we got the tickets. After going inside there were lots of replicas made by lego of the airport, port, etc. The replicas were so amazing to watch. There were also separate sections for kids to make legos. These sections had tons and tons of lego in them. There was also a place to buy lego sets and my parents bought me and my brother a helicopter set. 

                                            A small replica of an airport made by lego.

Photos of the tons and tons of lego put on display

Now let's talk about Madam tusad. It's a place in Japan which shows all the statues of famous celebrities. For example Michael Jackson, Barrack Obama, Lionel Messi, etc. There were statues of lots of celebrities and they looked like an original version. They also took photos of us near the statues. 


Thank you for reading my blog and please share it with friends and family, and wishing you all a very happy Christmas for the year 2021



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